Premier Exhibition in Salzburg: Susan Swartz with A Personal Path
Magic of Colors and Light
Kronen Zeitung
Heaven, Acrylic on linen, 60x48” 2002.
The well-known American artist Susan Swartz presents for the first time in Austria a selection of her works from May 30 to July 4 at th eCollegiate Church in Salzburg.
Susan Swartz was invited to present a selection of her work for the first time in Salzburg, Austria.
A Personal Path, the title of the exhibition that will be presented in the newly renovated Collegiate Church in Salzburg, describes the personal journey of the artist. In the course ofher career she has made abstract painting her principal pursuit. Her work is at its core an illustration of her personal experience, her beliefsand interpretations. For Susan Swartz, nature’s beauty is both exciting and challenging to capture and portray.
Her deep faith in God the Creator of the universe, nature and man strengthens her work. “If God is the creator, all I have to do is interpret,” she says.
Susan Swartz sees herself as an artist and as an activist, a decades-long fight against mercury poisoning and Lyme disease have changed her considerably. She is actively involved in environmental campaigns against water and air pollution. She also supports the vision and production of documentary films by Impact Partners, a film production organization of which she is a founding member.
Impact Partners wants to show social and environmental injustice. One of their films won the Oscar for best documentary, three other works were nominated for an Academy Award, one received an award at the Sundance Film Festival. The color-intensive work of Susan Swartz asks viewers to find for themselves their meaning, to embark on their own journey and to go their own, very personal way.