Winter Olympic Games Names Susan Swartz First Olympic Environmental Artist
By 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics
Fine Arts Limited and the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Games named their Winter Games poster and fine arts artists. Among the American artists are John Nieto, Peter Max, Clemens Briels, Rip Kastaris, and Susan Swartz. “I love this land and the opportunity to share it with the Olympic family through my paintings is an honor and privilege.” Swartz will be commissioned to paint scenes from Mt. Timpanogas, the backdrop of Soldiers Hollow, venue for cross country, and biathalon events. In addition, Swartz’s work was selected to represent the cover of the Cultural Olympiad program and Olympic Aid, a non-profit event comprised of Olympiads dedicated to using sport for development in Third World countries.
Susan Swartz and Johann Koss standing before the commissioned painting.
Swartz Olympic Aid Commission Garners $155k for Olympic Aid
A painting commissioned for athletes who give back to third world countries afflicted with disease and AIDS was signed by one hundred of the 2002 Winter Olympic Athletes and former medalists and sold for a record $155,000 at an Olympic Aid auction held outside the Medals Plaza. “This is a new gold standard for Olympic Aid,” said founder and four-time Olympic gold medalist Johann Koss. “Susan’s painting is an amazing gift, we hope she will continue this tradition in Athens and beyond.”
“The bidding surpassed my wildest expectations,” said Swartz. “Nothing thrills me more than knowing how any children will be impacted with combined medical attention and the joy and inspiration of meeting Olympic athletes like Johann. Johann and his colleagues represent to me the true Olympic spirit - standing tall for every child’s universal right to play and giving back with imagination and intentionality.”